The Fillmore is coming to Philadelphia

The name Fillmore is well known in the music industry. In California, The Grateful Dead, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, all played there. Now, today April 16, 2015, it has been announced that The Fillmore will be in Philadelphia. It will open later, (think fall) and this venue will have state of the art everything. Located a stones throw from Sugar House Casino the The Fillmore is looking to make a big impact on the live Philly Music Scene.

While Led Zeppelin is not going to be playing here anytime soon, the venue is ripe for tribute bands like "Get The Led Out." At capacity, it holds 2500 people. This venue can also host club bands playing original music. If 15 fans show up, that's fine. But imagine a band being booked into a club and they get more popular . Before, they had to move the venue. Not here. If they are expecting 60 people and the band gets popular, they can be moved to the downstairs stage and an extra 1000 seats can be opened up. If they do really well, the club can be at capacity. Same thing, if a band is expecting 2000 people and does not sell more than a hundred or so tickets, the show could be moved upstairs where it is more intimate.

The announcement today had the abandoned Ajax Metal Factory transformed into a nightspot in the middle of the day. After very brief announcements from Mayor Michael Nutter, and Live Nation's executives, it was time for fireworks, literally. With a banner pulled down, confetti and pyro shot into the air, it was a precursor for things to come. In this economy going into the toilet, concert goers are getting stingier with their hard earned cash. Many feel like they are getting raped and robbed as they pull into a parking lot and get jacked for $20.00 to $30.00 parking fees. Here things can be different. The Sugar House has free parking and they are close, and there seems to be plenty of free on street parking.

Will this place put any other venues out of business? It's doubtful. There are so many bands trying to book shows that there is plenty to go around. That is good for the economy. The building situated at the corner of Frankford and Delaware Avenues has been vacant since 1950. At it's height, almost 200 people worked there. While the Fillmore cannot sustain that kind of staff, marketing, security, food and beverage are just some of the positions this place will need workers for. That translates to jobs.

No set schedule has been announced yet. In fact, construction is still on going. It does have it's own Twitter account and website..